Bokhvete er naturlig glutenfritt og en av de billigste matvarene du kan kjøpe. De er stappfull av viktige gode næringsstoffer. Disse bollene lager du enkelt, og du kan ha “deigen” stående i kjøleskapet noen dager så du kan lage ferske boller. Eller lag en ladning og frys ned.


Bokhvete er full av protein, kostfiber, beta-karoten, niacin, folat, kalsium, jern, kalium, magnesium, selen, kopper, og fosfor.


Bokhvete er foresten superenkelt å spire, slik at du kan lage spirer og bruke som tilbehør på brødskiva, i middagen, salaten eller smoothie.


//Buckwheat is naturally gluten-free and one of the cheapest foods you can buy. They are packed with important good nutrients. You make these bowls easily, and you can have the “dough” standing in the fridge for a few days so you can make fresh bowls. Or make a Big amount and freeze.
Buckwheat is full of protein, dietary fiber, beta-carotene, niacin, folate, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, selenium, copper, and phosphorus.
Buckwheat is the sprout super easy to sprout, allowing you to make sprouts and use as an accessory on the bread slice, dinner, salad or smoothie.


  • 500g hel bokhvete
  • 2 små gule løk
  • 2 gulrot
  • 1 ss spisskummen
  • 1 ss paprika krydder
  • Salt og pepper
  • 6 egg
  • Ost (ikke nødvendig)

Slik gjør du:

  1.  Sett ovnen på varmluft 200 grader.
  2. Kok bokhvete som anvist på pakken.
  3. Finhakk løk og rasp gulrot.
  4. Rør sammen kokt bokhvete sammen med løk og gulrot. Tilsett egg og rør godt.
  5. Tilsett krydder og mel og rør godt.
  6. Rasp ønsket mengde ost og bland sammen med røra.
  7. Lag boller av”deigen” og stek på 200 grader i ca 10-15 minutter.

– Place the oven on hot air 200 degrees.

– Boil buckwheat as directed on the package.
– Finely chop onion and grate carrot.
– Stir together boiled buckwheat together with onion and carrot. Add eggs and stir well.
– Add spices and flour and stir well.
– Grate the desired amount of cheese and mix with the mixture.
– Make bowls of “dough” and cook at 200 degrees for about 10-15 minutes.

This is how you do it:
1. Place the oven on hot air 200 degrees.
2. Boil buckwheat as directed on the package.
3. Finely chop onion and grate carrot.
4.Stir together boiled buckwheat together with onion and carrot. Add eggs and stir well.
5. Add spices and flour and stir well.
6. Grate the desired amount of cheese and mix with the mixture.
7. Make bowls of “dough” and cook at 200 degrees for about 10-15 minutes.

I am a Norwegian girl, vegetarian, nurse, and a mom. Pregnant with a January baby <3 I'm creative and have a passion for food, lifestyle, sport, and traveling. I hope you find some inspiration, enjoy!
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